Monday, October 19, 2009

Analysis Post of the Problems in the United Nations

The United Nations is the largest (162 members as of 2006) international peacekeeping authority. However, it is understood that the United Nations is having problems with being recognized as an authoritative, worldwide authority. These problems have been around since the United Nations was founded and put into action in 1945. There are 2 basic ideas where it comes to the United Nations: 1) Every Nation should immediately recognize the authority of the United Nations, or 2) the United Nations should give up and realize that they have no power.

United Nations should gain Authority
This view believes that having a United Nations is integral to the safekeeping of our world and will help stop another large-scale, or World War from happening again. People who agree with the previous statement believe that the United States should set an example and start to follow the rules and regulations of the United Nations. People who follow this view believe that the United States, or any other nation, should not undermine the authority of the United Nations and go against their word. A lot of these views stem from the United States decision to invade Iraq in 2003, after the United Nations voted not to.

The United Nations should give up

This view believes that the United Nations should accept that they are wasting time and stop trying to assert the authority that they do not have. People who agree with the previous statement believe that all nations are going to act in their own interest and that a superpower, people who follow this philosophy believe that the United States is the main superpower, should regulate the world. These people supported the United States decision to invade Iraq in 2003, even after the United Nations voted against it. They cite that when the United Nations sent weapons inspectors and peacekeepers to the Iraq border, they were turned away because the Iraqi Military knew that the United Nations had no power.

My View

I believe that the United Nations needs to recognize that they have no power, but they should not give up or disband. I believe that the United Nations may be an idealistic group, we need to have a group that can maintain peace in the future. I believe this because as we get more technologically advanced, more countries are going to have large-scale weapons. No country (besides China) could afford to go to a large War right now. Still, most countries around the world have the standing militias and weaponry to be fighting in large battles in a week. With all this being said, I believe the United Nations needs to find a way to enforce some of their regulations without the help of foreign governments. This would increase their prestige and presence around the world. In the end, I do believe it will take a "superpower" nation, like the United States, to formally recognize their presence before they are cemented as THE peacemaking authority on the planet. I do no think the United States should be the country to cement them as the authority, I believe this endorsement will have to come from England and a couple other European Countries. This will lead to allied countries of these nations also recognizing the United Nations power.


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